Railway Pioneers at Hopetown
An exhibition looking at the engineering innovation that inspired Stephenson, the father of the railways, leading to the opening of Stockton & Darlington Railway in 1825. The exhibition looks at the inspiration of those involved, how it developed and what inspired them. This is an exhibition for those interested in trains or those interested in the stories behind them. Three iconic locomotives will be on display:
Penydarren, designed by Richard Trevithick, 1804
Steam Elephant, designed by John Buddle and William Chapman, 1815
Locomotion No. 1, designed and driven by George Stephenson on the first S&DR journey, 1825
Loans from National Railway Museum, Beamish, Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales, IMechE
Funding Arts Council England
With thanks to National Railway Museum, The Story, Durham Archives, National Archives, Common Room, IMechE